How Do I Permanently Change A Players Character Properties With A Script?

Hello! This is my second post on the forums, and I got stuck on something and would like to know if any of you can help.

So basically I have a script that changes A players Character Transparency to 0.5 When They Join The Game

This Is The Script, In ServerScriptService

repeat wait() until plr.Character

local Character = plr.Character

for _, v in pairs(Character:GetDescendants()) do

	if  v:IsA("BasePart") then
		v.Transparency = 0.5




However, when you reset or die, the players character and accessories transparency reverts back to 0 or its normal transparency value. Is there a way I can permanently Change a players transparency to 0.5 Even when they die?


Just check when the humanoid dies with

—change their transparency

sorry for the constant edits, just trying to format the code

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Thanks A lot I had a feeling I may had to do that!

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I just realized that my code only detects when the player dies, but it doesn’t detect when they respawn, so you might find use of the player.CharacterAdded event to detect when they respawn.

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Alright I’ll try that thank you

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Thank you so much CharacterAdded Works Perfectly Script Is working how i intended to now