How do i play 2 tweens at once on an object without them interfering

i just want to play 2 tweens on the same object, doing diffrent things. one make the object go up, and the other shakes it back and fourth

Tween separate values. Very simple concept. Not sure if this is possible, but you can probably just tween the Y value to rotate up, and then the X or Z (not sure which one) to shake back and forth.

no idea but you could look up for your answer with this forum post

I’m going to assume you mean shake the position and not the orientation,
You can just tween to add vector3 values instead of setting the values, make two tweens and yea… that should work

something like

tween:Create(part,, reverses : true), {Position +=,5,0)}:Play()
tween:Create(part,, Enum.EasingStyle.Bounce, reverses : true), {Position +=,0,1)}:Play()