I was making a Flying Car and right/left turning. And I tried to create 2 tween for tilting, rotate and Position. But when I try to play both one of them not works. Why?
Tweens cancel out if they’re tweening the same property, which I’m gonna assume is the CFrame. The most recent tween will override the concurrent one.
instead of creating two tween you can simply add more stuff to the goal in the tween like here is an example of a tweening position:
Tweenservice:Create(part,info,{Position = vector3.new(2,2,2)}:Play()
but you want to change the position and ROTATION, thus you should do this:
Tweenservice:Create(part,info,{Position = vector3.new(2,2,2), Orientation = Vector3.new(0,180,0)}:Play()
notice how there are two properties in that table above