How do I post on my profile

So i’ve heard that you can now post on Roblox by possibly taking captures inside experiences according to this sharkblox video:

How do I access this and how do I post things

I haven’t watched the video yet so is anyone able to give an explanation.

Tell me if this is the right category. No idea where this topic would go :man_shrugging:


Why would you not watch the video talking about it?? It answers your questions.

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He literally says mobile only in the first minute of the video

Once I watched it. It told me nothing good. I’m wondering how it would work

Not everyone uses a computer.

You don’t need to use a computer to watch a youtube video
It says mobile only not pc only
I didn’t say every user can do this

yes but im wondering how this would work. causing an argument about devices wasnt my goal.

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