How do I pre-simulate physics on the client?


I am trying to make a system and I was wondering how I would pre-simulate roblox’s physics on the client and then run that for the players whilst syncing it together with the other players. Would I need to pre-simulate the physics and turn them into animations or?

Thanks :slight_smile:

What do you mean by pre-simulate

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Sorry, I was unsure what to call it :joy:

So I am making a ride system and physics look good but can be really glitchy when people ride them etc…
I have spoken to a developer I know and he said we could possibly run the physics on the client and turn it into like an animation or CFame and then just run that and sync it to all the other clients so it just looks normal (something like that)

set the network ownership of a part (from the server) to a client

then you can move that part on the client using any method you want

the movement has no lag to that client and it syncs with the other clients and the server

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Would this stop the glitchiness that comes with roblox physics?

When people ride physic rides they go really laggy.

Yes, it makes it run the physics on the client and sends it to the server

Cheers. I will try that when I can. Much appreciated.