How do I prevent from roblox "slowing" down the physics on client?

Hello! I’m working on a game where the client needs to handle around 100 client-side unanchored balls at the same time. The problem is, when I spawn that amount, roblox literally “slows” down the physics even though my machine is NOT lagging at all (i get stable 60 fps), making me want to disable that feature.

My question being is how do I disable that “physics slowdown” feature and make the physics act normal even when my machine start lagging?

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I’m pretty sure this is called ‘physics throttling’. To my knowledge you can’t really do anything about it.

This is also the reason why you are able to gain stable FPS.

I’ve seen other games handle that, how though? Example: Rat Washing Tycoon - Roblox

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Huh, not really sure.

You should wait for people more knowledgable about this kind of thing.

Something about the network ownership of the client

You sure it’s client side? I’m running 2500 balls and they aren’t being throttled. Game Link
BallPhysicsTest.rbxl (35.2 KB)

Weird, maybe it’s because i’m meshparts ? (Give me a moment to make a gif plz)

RESOLVED; I was using meshparts. I switched to normal Parts and it works very smooth now. Thanks for the help everyone!