How do I prevent this from happening?

I am trying to create above head tags for players that are in my group, have a VIP pass, or are a developer. The tags are overlapping for me and I dont know how to have 2 tags and make one dominant over the other.

Here is the code local billboardgui = game:GetService(“ServerStorage”) :WaitForChild(“BillboardGui”)


	if player:IsInGroup(3033912) then
		local clonedgui = billboardgui:Clone()	
		clonedgui.TextLabel.Text = "Group Member"
		clonedgui.TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 127)
		clonedgui.Parent = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(		
	if player.Name == "steveisoff" then
		if character.Head:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui") then
			 character.Head.BillboardGui.TextLabel.Text = "Group Member/Developer"
			local clonedgui = billboardgui:Clone()	
		clonedgui.TextLabel.Text = "Developer"
		clonedgui.TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(19, 204, 255)
			clonedgui.Parent = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(


Edit: I know you can change the order of the code but I keep messing it up. I want to know if I can re-write the code and have it do the same thing.


just change the position of each tag or make the script detect if he is a group member and dev to make all the stuff in 1 tag instead of making 3

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This would be extra work, but you could make it so that if the player has more then one head tag, then the player gets to choose which one they want to equip.

Just make sure to have a default head tag when a player joins the game.
( could just be the players name or display name)

Payed head tags, if you go for that sort of thing, should go first before any other head tags.
Hope this helps. :slight_smile: