How do I prevent this from happening?

Hello! I’m trying to make every part’s CanCollide to false in a character.
When I tried to do this through a script , it’s CanCollide auto-changed to true. I tried using RunService.RenderStepped / RunService.Stepped to change the CanCollide to false but it didn’t work. Any help would be very appreciated! :smile:

Why do you need to make every part’s CanCollide false? If you want players to not collide with each other you should check out Collision Groups.


I’m making a first person arm system and I want for the arms to not collide with the actual character. I tried using Collision Groups but I can’t use them on client, only on the server.

Just create fake arms instead of using the real ones. That way you can make them not collide just fine.

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I did. I’m using a second character that shows only on client. I’m changing it’s position to the camera’s position.

So you’re using a client-sided NPC just for the fake arms? Why not just clone the player’s real arms and then attach them to their character? You could even attach them to the real ones so that they follow their movement and don’t go transparent in first person mode. That way you will still be able to easily play animations which move the arms.

I found a solution. Instead of cloning the second character on client , i did on the server. I added both player’s character and the second to a collision group and it works now. :wink:

The Head and HumanoidRootPart of characters have their CanCollide set to true every frame because of the backend for Humanoids (which is really costly). CollisionGroups, as you figured out, is an appropriate way to get around this if you want characters to void some collisions.

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