How do I prevent this UI Issue where even with the ListLayout, the Frames inside of it stick out of the parent frame

Hello everyone! Can someone please help me? So what I want to do, is make every frame that is sticking out of the frame in the image below, not stick out of the frame. I do not want any sticking out frames. Does anyone know how to fix this?

The white selected outline is the frame borders.

Thanks to any helpers.


change the property that says clip descendants set it to true


and I can not really see or you used a scrollingframe but I recommened using 1 or else it just cuts away a few frames

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Alright. Thank you very much for this!! Life saver lol.

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Also, each time I duplicate a frame inside the scrolling frame, the Y size duplicates. Do you know why? And if I run out of space in the scrolling frame, do you know how to automatically extend its size to be able to see all frames? (It is meant to be a radio in which I should chat)

uhm hard to explain but you def need smt that deletes it after a certain time and a scrolling frame where all the messages are at the bottom its a property from the scrolling frame. thats bc the size is in scale so it scales to the bounds of that frames tbh I dont know how to fix this

Do you know how I can automatically set all child frames to the bottom of the scrolling frame? The list layout only places them to about 1,0 on the Y which is not relating to the 2,0 CanvasSize. And why do the frames inside the ScrollingFrame automatically always double in size of the Y scale.

well that just mean that the frame you paste it in is half the x size i believe im not sure since I dont exactly know what you mean but if your using a gui layout then you have to change it in there

I am using a UIListLayout which does not affect the size of the frame which is why I am confused.

uh that shouldnt be possible as far as I know do you have padding or smt else that could effect this?

Padding yes. However padding is only for spacing between objects right?

yes but it could mean you set them so high it forces the frame to become smaller since it doesnt have a place to go can you maybe make a video or smt to show me how it looks its kinda hard to give a solution with only this info

I think, to make life easier, I will just use frame as I am very confused at this point. And also, I see you are a programmer, could you help me with an issue I am having? Basically, when I fire a remote, it does nothing. Inside the remote, it prints “hi” when I request it but nothing else. Nothing in the output either.

I see I def suggest using a

local RS = game:GetService:("ReplicatedStorage")

but I dont see any breakpoints that call hi you mean you run the cod but dont have a breakpoint in there maybe try to start with that

What I meant, is earlier I typed in print(“hi”) below the 5th line and then I tested and it printed “hi” but did nothing on the GUI.

And using the :GetService() function did not do anything. :sob:

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