how do i print every event that happens to a webhook
basicly everything that appears in the server console will appear the the webhook
could someone help me make this
how do i print every event that happens to a webhook
basicly everything that appears in the server console will appear the the webhook
could someone help me make this
Please don’t abuse Discord webhooks to log errors, use a dedicated service like Sentry instead. This is why Roblox keeps getting their UserAgent banned from using webhooks.
LogService allows you to tap into messages sent into the output. You’re welcome to have a try at creating what you need using this and then form your thread around problems you had attempting this on your own. Research goes a long way to helping resolve problems.
i have a proxy
May I ask why you want to do this?
Surely there must be a better way than to send lots of messages to discord?
i wish to log require scripts
as people are abusing
i have a ss script tester but people use map changers so i wish to chech and ban them
I don’t think I fully understand.
Do you wish to log when a script is required? I’m assuming this is regarded to exploiting. Also, would you not already know of all scripts which are required? There shouldn’t be any scripts which you can’t see in studio.
no people like to do it when not ingame so when they do something like
and https request will be sent that says
sent by user roblox
also people try to hide the server console by spamming print commands to i need to filter requires
I am all too familiar with exploiting, but nothing I’ve heard of so far sounds like what you are describing. So forgive me for any confusion.
I am aware exploiting tools can detect any and all remote events sent between the client and the server, however from what I’ve heard there’s no way for them to manipulate the server apart from remote events.
It sounds like you have a backdoor in your place if this is what they are doing?
This is just asking for security issues.
I would refrain from sending each and everyone individually though. Maybe “pile” them up and send them as a batch (Batch as in sending the entire batch in one message)?
I don’t know how you would know a require specifically was called. I don’t know how they require them. If its through a remote event you should probably be able to add that to the “logging-pile” which will then be sent to discord every once it reaches X many items or after X time.
it can be done by filtering strings
Then I see no issue. Add all "require"s to the batch, send them as one message every now and then.