How do I progress in scripting?

Hey everyone,

So basically I can’t really script on roblox, or when I do i find myself looking up everything on the documentation.

I know the basics such as functions, remote events, most statements, etc.

However, it takes me so long to make scripts that a complex in the smallest manner and usually when I do it is just a buggy mess that barely works.

I am kinda asking if anyone knows a way to get past this stage?
Any advice is greatly appreciated


You just have to keep scripting. I had YEARS of experience, before I scripted on Roblox, and I still was looking everything up for a long time.

It just takes time and a lot of doing.


Start small, dont go for big projects just yet, but little ones with simple yet interesting mechanics. ex:

  • Spring Simulation
  • Animation based on direction of movement
  • create bezier curves with lerps
  • boids (my favorite)
  • projectile physics with raycats/vector3’s
  • simple anti-cheats

You learn something new everyday, but to learn, you have to try.
(motivation is key)


mainly you should understand that you can’t go from making doors & buttons to making the next popular fps game in a couple of weeks; the fact that you’re trying to be a better scripter is progress itself. scripting takes time and practice, and you will make mistakes (and terrible code).

  • do projects/challenges that increase in difficulty the further you go. you could even ask ChatGPT for some project ideas

  • ask for help or ask if your script can be imrpoved (most of the time it can be)

  • if you have an idea you should break it down into steps

  • avoid copying scripts or asking people to rewrite scripts for you since you want to learn how to do it yourself

  • use google, devform, or discord servers

  • you could also look at other posts on devforum

and before you continue you should also ask yourself “Why am I doing this?”. if you have no goal then you have no reason to be scripting.

Do you only want to learn how to script?
Do you want to have a game?
What are you trying to make?


When you’re starting out programming, using documentation can feel like cheating.
However, the skills of a programmer are problem solving and logical thinking; these do not give you the ability to absorb everything about a game engine. Using documentation is necessary. I do it sometimes even now, when I have been using ROBLOX Studio since 2017.

What you need to work on is algorithmic thinking: breaking down a problem and solving it using step by step instructions. Maybe try planning out scripts using flow diagrams before you actually write them?

Use more abstract instructions like “tween Part A’s position to (0, 10, 0)” so you can work on this skill regardless of your knowledge of the engine.


Keep programming, have a passion for it man. If you don’t have a passion for programming, then what are you doing it for then? That’s all I really have to say.