I was trying to make some sort of a “dizzy” effect, and I heard you can warp the camera a bit by changing some parts of its rotation matrix. But trying to do that, even without changing the X, Y and Z at the beginning, it ends up like this…
Here’s the part of the code which does the tweening. If this part seems normal, then ask for the rest in the replies.
local R00,R01,R10,R11 = random2:NextNumber(0.885,1),random2:NextNumber(-0.150,0.150),random2:NextNumber(-0.150,0.150),random2:NextNumber(0.885,1)
goal.CFrame = Camera.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,0,0,R00,R01,0,R10,R11,0,0,0,1)