So my main question is, How do i put custom animations to rigs?
what i mean about that is example, im making a boss fight… Now i want to have a walk/run animation on my boss… But how do i implement the animation that me/my friend made for the boss?
Thats all regarding this post!
Thanks you so much!
To custom animate a custom character you first need a humanoid in it and to join all of the parts together with a Motor6D, the plugin I use for this is RigEdit select the model then you have to open the plugin then select the main part the ‘root part’ of the custom character and select all of the other parts while holding CTRL, then on the plugin UI you press ‘Create joints.’
Once you have done that it will have made Motor6D’s in the main part connecting it to all of the limbs, once you have done that it should look something like below.
Then you can close the RigEdit editor, then open your desired animation editor and start editing, to apply the animations to the character you can do it via the Humanoid in the model.
first of all WOW, now i will do that later (to improvise my custom character) but if u dont understand, i made a run animation… now i want to implement that to my custom character… but how do i?
anyways that did help to improvise my character cuz i had some hard times animating my custom rig thanks!!!
ive implemented it now and WOW its so much easier to animate thanks so much!!
Thank you, but if I think what you are trying to ask is how to impliment it to a custom character, you can use the Humanoid you placed in the custom character to use the Animator in the humanoid, like the script below.
This is for once you have created your animation and wish to make it play (apply it)
local animator = CUSTOMCHARACTER.Humanoid:FindFirstChildOfClass("Animator")
if animator then
local animtrack = animator:LoadAnimation(script.Animation)
return animtrack