How do i read a spinning speed of wheels?

im working on a car game and i just thought of something…
so my current system for the engines pitch is just based on its velocity (very simple)
But how could i get the RPM of the wheels then do a calculation to get the average, and then make that change the engines pitch? does anyone know how to do this?

You may be able to:

Wheel.Velocity.Magnitude-- Should return a number

Nevermind, try this code from another topic. It’s meant for sound but you may be able to use it for the speed of wheels.

local maxSpeed = 30

      local velocity = MyCar.Body.Seat.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude
      MyCar.EngineSound.PlaybackSpeed = (velocity / maxSpeed) + 0.6

part.AssemblyAngularVelocity for rotation

ok thanks, how would i get the average of each wheel tho?

like if 2 wheels are going 1 and 3, then the average would be 2

local wheelHolder = --a place to hold each wheel

local sum = 0
local count = 0

for _, wheel in ipairs(wheelHolder:GetChildren()) do
  sum += wheel.AssemblyAngularVelocity
  count += 1

local average = sum/count