How do I receive DevEx on my parent's bank account?

Yesterday I made my first application on DevEx to participate in the Program, and I put my first and last name in the application, but I am not of legal age and I am only 14 years old and I live in Brazil, so I wanted to know if the devex program accepts me to receive money for account of my parents father or mother, should I put the information of one of them on the W8 form?

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Yeah you should be fine, just ask your guardian(s) to fill the form out with their information and all should be fine.

I don’t think your own identity information will work, not sure on that one. I know you can’t fill out tax forms, however.


Have you ever participated in devex? and I need to put my father’s or my mother’s information in the W8 form and

Yes, I actively devex. I am also not 18. As long as both your parents are 18+, you can use any one of their identity information. Your mother or your father, does not matter.

but a question, should i put my parents’ information on the form on the devex website and on W8?, only for the parents?

so you advise my parents to put their information or some of mine, and they put their information in W8

Actually to do a developer change you only have to be 13 years of age regarding to the FaQ (link below) although for your W8 you should put your own information and your guardian can sign the form for you at least regarding from if you need any help filling it out I posted a link below that SHOULD help regarding to this. Please do notice I am not a professional in any means and I recommend directing all questions to DevEx support by selecting the device you are on then selecting DevEx then how to.

so on the form should i put my information on the 8W and my person in charge just sign?

What did you do? They accepted that?