I’m trying to write a script that colors an object using a color3 value that a user selects using in game chat or a clickable button, but the script errors if the player presses the button due to the script expecting a string value instead of a Color3. I’ve tried to look for a solution using the Lua type() function thingy, but because Color3 is a unique value type to Roblox, the script ignores it. Additionally, I tried looking on the API Reference Manual but nothing about custom value types pops up.
Is there a way to reference custom value types or do I need to change my script entirely?
Example of what my script looks like:
if type(color) == 'Color3' then --this is ignored by the script
local suslol = string.split(color, ',') --this results in an error if color is a Color3 value
if table.getn(suslol) ~= 3 then
return false, 'RBG value needed! (example: 0,0,0)'