So I have a DataStore2 system and I’m trying to require the module from a localscript and yeah… uh I soon realized how dumb that was. I have a GUI that I want to use to display my balance. I have the balance saved in my DataStore2 system but I can’t seem to figure out how to reference a module from a localscript. And before I get a bunch of comments saying “Oh just use a normal script” no. It is displaying my balance. So I’m definitely not using one of those…
Speaking data stores, saving the balance that way is very unsafe and opens up opportunities for cheaters and exploiters to manipulate the value from the client. Perhaps you need to switch to an alternative system handling the values.
Do you have any suggestions/tutorials? I don’t really know much about saving player data.
YouTube should have those resources available. Otherwise, search around here on the forum.
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