I’ll let my example script talk for me. Because i can’t really describe it.
local Var1 = "what"
local Var2 = 12
local var3 = script.Parent
for i = 1, 1, 3 do
print() --this is what i don't get... i can't just do ("Var"..i) because that won't reverence eg.: Var1
How can i do this? How do i reference with a string in a script?
Sorry i don’t know how to describe this exactly.
It is not possible to reference locals “dynamically” in ROBLOX Lua. It’s possible in regular Lua with the debug library, but you really need to know your stuff and it’s far slower than just using a table.
You can use getfenv() if you remove the locals:
Var1 = "what"
Var2 = 12
Var3 = script.Parent
for k,v in pairs(getfenv()) do
print(k, v) -- prints "Var1", "what", "Var2" etc. and possibly a bunch of other stuff
Notice something? You’re reading from a table! The Vars are actually just being put in the global variables table.
A table is the right way to do this. Locals are not meant to be accessed the way you want to access them. If you want something like that, put them in a table.
local vars = {
Var1 = "what",
Var2 = 12,
Var3 = script.Parent
for k,v in pairs(vars) do
print(k, v) -- prints "Var1", "what", "Var2" etc. and nothing else