So I am releasing my first game Blade Master, and right now I really don’t know how to go about doing that. Should I do a huge ad campaign? Should I contact You tubers? What should I do in order to release my game successfully and maintain my audience. I am a little stuck on how to go about this process and what I should do to have a succesful release. My game has a lot of potential and is designed beautifully. Any help is appreciated thanks.
The moment I joined your game I got a gamepass prompt. Then I closed it. Then it popped up again. Then I closed it again. Then it popped up. This is a problem. Your game is nearly unplayable because of this.
How do I play this game? The tools in the backpack don’t seem to do anything. I see currency, but how do I get it? Many features appear to be missing.
So then I begin to explore the game world. By this point I think many people would have already quit. I move across this gigantic landscape at a slow, grueling pace with no mobility options. I try to zoom out to see my surroundings. Can’t zoom out either.
In its current state, this will flop. This isn’t the time to be thinking about advertising or getting Youtubers to promote your game. This is the time to seriously reflect on whether your game is fun or not, and if it isn’t, how can you make it fun?