How do I remove a word from tagging in my game? What are the risks?

Hey, I’m Luke, a UI Designer and group owner.

My group, Oneiro Restaurant Franchise, is a Greek taverna hoping to achieve a large following in the future. Sadly, before creation of the group, I forgot to see if the word “Oneiro” tags. Which it does.

Oneiro is a Greek word that means “dream”. It’s not inappropriate, it’s not a disrespectful word, and it doesn’t mean anything negative at all whatsoever. So what I’m wondering is, is there a way to stop it from tagging in-game? If there is a way, can it get me banned, or in any form of trouble? If anyone, preferably a ROBLOX staff member, can tell me about any risks or ways to do this, please inform me by replying to this post.

Thank you for reading, I hope you have a fabulous rest of your day.

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I do not think there is a legitimate way to manipulate tags since that would cause huge problems. The tags are secured for a reason. The best chance you have at this is simply reporting it to a moderator, which will probably be also difficult to convince them.

I thought so. My friend told me I can possibly get warned or banned if I at least try to tinker it. I’ll see if a ROBLOX employee replies with a valid answer (no offense, they are more familiar with the terms than any of us are). Thanks for replying.

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Your friend is absolutely correct. It probably got tagged because people have probably used it in a bad way in the past, for example an inappropriate meme, using it to bypass other filters, etc.

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You can remove tags in-chat by making your own custome chat but the problem is that your game can be banned , at worst version can be banned you . I don’t recommend you to remove tags . Hope you’ll understand me right :slight_smile:

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I completely understand that, but I honestly think it wouldn’t be used inappropriately in any way at all whatsoever. I don’t know what way someone can use “oneiro” in an inappropriate way or to bypass the filter. Besides, I was only hoping it could just not tag in my game with a script or something of that sort.

Thanks. I’m desperate at this point. :smile:

There’s many bad ways you can use the word “dream”, and therefore the word “oneiro”. I’m not going to list them as they are NSFW, but you may know them already. :slight_smile:

It’s just like how Roblox tags the number “69”. You wouldn’t think that a number would be tagged as long as your account age is above 13 right? Well, 69 has been used inappropriately and that is why it is now tagged.

I understand, I didn’t think of that. I guess we can just find a way by using small dividers or something between the letters. I thank you for reminding me of the ways it can be used. Have a good day! :smiley:

Do not try to find a loophole around the filter, it’ll get your game and your account punished.

Alright then, I guess I should just let it tag or make a new group with the same concept. :neutral_face:

Making a new group is the best idea. Letting it tag is a terrible idea as your players won’t know what the game is called at all.

Alright. I’ll discuss that with the group.

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