How do I remove display names from leaderboards?

Need to be able to identify users from a screenshot after group events to give points, so this is essential for my group - no clue where to even start here.

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Couldn’t you just set the Player’s Display Name as their Player Object Name? I don’t think there’s not enough information to specify what you exactly want :thinking:

So in the default roblox leaderboard it’s currently displaying the display name - but I need their @username to be able to give out points via our discord bot. I just need the leaderboard to show username instead of display name.

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Oh, so it’s done by using an HTTP Request I’m assuming? Could we see the script if possible?

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No, it’s done with commands, see this:

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You need a better system. Direct webhook sending in a private channel could work.

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It might having something to do with your Discord bot that’s handling/rewarding the points? That might be the only thing I could think of that may be causing that issue

Check this topic: Disable DisplayName script

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I’m gonna try make a script to send a list of the users and their teams once the event is over.

Do you need help with this at all?

You just need to send a message(thru a discord web hook) that contains the real names of the players into a private text channel only you and certain people can see

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I’ll give it a go myself, and let you know if I’m struggling :+1: