How do I remove dots on Explorer tab (ellipsis)

Hey guys, so just recently I noticed that my explorer tab has this weird cutoff that prevents text from showing around halfway across the tab, and I find this really annoying when trying to see the full names of instances.


I am aware that someone had a similar problem that they posted a while back but the answer that was given was really confusing and didn’t help. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled Roblox Studio and that hasn’t fixed it either. If anyone can help fix the “…” explorer problem, I would greatly appreciate it! :grinning:

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Hi, yes this is a Bug Report that has been reported:

A Roblox staff has responded to the report, saying:

Basically, this was an intentional design choice, and it will not be rolled back unless there were a sufficient number of community members that left feedback about this issue.

Someone did find a temporary fix for the issue, until the issue gets officially resolved:

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