How do I remove the 8 bit controller particales

Hello, I would like to disable the 8 bit controller particles, but I keep getting this error along with it.
This is the error:

Later, I found out its being reconized as a malformed number:
Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 5.50.14 PM
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Note: Im trying to remove something in the item 8bit controller


Because names that start with numbers are parsed as numbers than the interpreter sees letters and is like wtf(what the frick)

No offense, But this is not the right way to write lua code at all.

I will give you code on how to destroy the VFX Particle Attachment later as I am currently fighting another problem right now.

I have no idea what an 8bitcontroller is or vfx particle attachment. I simply thought this was someone asking how to delete things with names like that.

It’s an accessory and has an attachment with an vfx particle inside of it and he’s trying to remove it.

script.Parent["8BitController"].VFX_Att:Destroy(). This uses the dot operator so it’s quite fast compared to FindFirstChild.

Though, if you really want to remove all the particles…

for _,o in pairs(script.Parent:GetDescendants())do if o:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then o:Destroy() end

Thank you, you needed to go to the handle also to delete it.
This is how I edited your code:

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