How do I remove the holding animation for a tool?

I’ve tried other tutorials none of them have worked.
So my question is how do I remove the holding animation for tools.
How would I do this?

Also is this the right category?



Can I get a little more in-depth description of what you mean? Maybe a few screenshots if any will work for what you want?

I’m not fully understanding what you mean.


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Well you see,
I am currently making a weapon.
I made it have a holding animation but the default holding animation is also playing so its not doing the whole thing.
How do I disable the default holding animation?

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So, you mean like, it isn’t playing the whole animation for something?
Most of the time, any animations you make for a tool will play over the default holding animation. You also need to make sure the Animation Priority is set to “Action” when exporting it so it’ll play over movement animations.

If this isn’t what you mean, can you send a video showing what you mean? Maybe even a place file so I can see?

Sorry if me not understanding is annoying. Haven’t slept in two days :smiling_face_with_tear:


To remove the holding animation for a tool in Roblox, you can use the ManualActivationOnly property of the tool. This property determines whether the tool’s activation animation should play when the tool is equipped.

Here is an example of how you can use the ManualActivationOnly property to remove the holding animation for a tool:

local tool = script.Parent -- the tool

tool.ManualActivationOnly = true

This will disable the holding animation for the tool. The player will still be able to use the tool, but the activation animation will not play when the tool is equipped.


@SteffJonez Um, no?

This is completely Incorrect, and not what ManualActivationOnly does
Please Read the Documentation

Althought this is a Common way of doing it, you would be playing a bunch of animations for the Tool

To Disable the Default Holding Animation, you will need to get the Roblox Provided Animator

To do this, we will:

  • Run The Game

  • Open our Character in the Explorer

  • Take out the LocalScript: Animate

  • Copy it, Leave the Game, then Paste it into Studio Mode

Opne it, and Scroll until you find this function:

function animateTool()
	if (toolAnim == "None") then
		playToolAnimation("toolnone", toolTransitionTime, Humanoid, Enum.AnimationPriority.Idle)

	if (toolAnim == "Slash") then
		playToolAnimation("toolslash", 0, Humanoid, Enum.AnimationPriority.Action)

	if (toolAnim == "Lunge") then
		playToolAnimation("toollunge", 0, Humanoid, Enum.AnimationPriority.Action)

This is the function that plays the Tool Animations, dont remove the function as it will break some code,

Instead what we will do is look for where its called, Which shouldnt be that far below from where the function() is created, Once you find it, --comment it out

	local tool = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool")
	if tool and tool:FindFirstChild("Handle") then
		local animStringValueObject = getToolAnim(tool)

		if animStringValueObject then
			toolAnim = animStringValueObject.Value
			-- message recieved, delete StringValue
			animStringValueObject.Parent = nil
			toolAnimTime = currentTime + .3

		if currentTime > toolAnimTime then
			toolAnimTime = 0
			toolAnim = "None"

		--animateTool()		Stops Tool Animations since it has been commented out
		toolAnim = "None"
		toolAnimInstance = nil
		toolAnimTime = 0

This will Disable (or remove) the Default Animation.

This has been answered before, make sure you look before posting, there is another version to this method where you change the animations, which I would recommend looking in to, but this would be a same method but without coding


I hope this helps, If so, Mark it as the Solution

If you have any questions, feel free to ask :slight_smile:


Bro if you’re gonna use ChatGPT to help people atleast make sure its correct, I just saw you in another post with an equally inaccurate response.


Solution Addicts


Would’ve gotten to what you said by doing process of elimination but I got ghosted :skull:

could you provide us some code to help us with? thanks

New problem.
Sense you seem to know what your doing. . .
As you can see this is my animation:

And this is it when it plays:

Why is this happening?
I was assuming the holding animation was getting in the way.

This is probably due to the Base Animations (idle, Walking, Running, Jumping) overlapping the Animation, try change the Priority


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