How do I render in cycles?

Hi! So I am trying to render in cycles but i have an issue. When the render is finished, the image has the dot pattern. Here is what it looks like:

Thanks! I would appreciate help! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Go over to the side panel, go to passes, and enable “Denoising Data”

Go over to the compositing tab (top mid-right of your screen), and press “Shift A”, “Enter”, then type “Denoise”. Hit enter.

Drag and drop it onto the node connection from the “Render Layers node” to the “Composite” node for it to auto connect. Then connect the “Denoising Normal” output to the “Normal” input on the Denoise node, and connect the “Denoising Albedo” output to the “Albedo” input on the Denoising node.

Considering your samples are low on your images, you will get some artifacts from Intel’s denoiser, so you may want to increase the sample rate, and enable adaptive sampling (below the sample count for the render), which will help your render by having Blender focus on areas that are more noisy, and areas that are less noisy will have fewer samples put on it automatically.


Thanks! Ill try it (30 charrr)

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If anything doesn’t show up, make sure you have blender 2.83.

I dont see an option for adaptive sampling

Are you using 2.83? If you are, can you please send me a screenshot?

Also adaptive sampling is mainly used for speeding up render times. If it is too much of a hassle, do not worry about using it for now.

i think i use 2.82 (30 charrr)

It’s a 2.83+ feature. Don’t worry about using it if you don’t want to go through the process of updating it.


do i restart blender? Its not working

It may be a separate program. Try searching it up on your pc.

i use a mac so yeah (30 charr)

its not a seperate program :confused: Its actually the same. Its jut 2 different windows

Ah okay, sorry about that. :angst:

I found this on Youtube. It has a section on denoising around 12 minutes or so:

Okay thanks! Ill check it out!

How do i make the immage sharp

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The problems you’re having are related to sample rates and likely a depth of field value that was messed with and not corrected. Denoising is not a valid solution to fixing your initial rendering problem and will become more apparent once you fix the blurring—increasing the sample rate will properly fix the graininess but will increase the time it takes to render the image, and you should check on the depth property of the depth of field effect to see if that’s what’s causing the blur.

Increase samples here -

Make sure the camera object is selected to access depth of field (if enabled, disable it) -

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didnt work. I installed blender 2.83 on my other laptop and it seemed to work very well so it just means i have to install 2.83 as a seperate application with default settings