How do i replicate this lighting

Hello. I want to replicate this lighting for my game. How do you do it.


Outdoor ambient to blue , Brightness 3
Also shadowmap and no shadows

not exactly this is what i got without making sky blue because that didnt work do you think theres anything differen you could change to make it more similar

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What Iā€™d do is just play with the lighting settings and test until you get close enough. This is pretty simple lighting, and can be achieved without anything fancy; just changing the properties of game.Lighting will do.

Note: Make sure you pay attention to the graphics quality when testing lighting in Studio, since Roblox automatically gives you a lower graphics quality when play testing in Studio, and you may need to change that in the in-game settings menu.

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actually what made it look more blue was contrast and saturation but i cant get it to look like in the picture without making it look too bright and exposed

Bright Blue Sky Skybox - Creator Store

What if you tried turning down brightness?