How do I rotate a group of positions around a point?

Say I have an array containing nothing but positions (x, y, z) to make up an object (such as a cube). But I would like rotate the object around a given point that is also a position in the world.

Here’s a visual representation of what I am looking for.
Note that the red cube below is the origin point, and all the blue cubes are my group of positions formatted as the usual (x, y, z).


To this: (rotated -45 degrees along the Y axis)

How can I achieve this effect without the assistance of CFrame or Vectors? Is there a simple way to achieve this?

local Origin = {0, 0, 0} -- The pivot position in the world (formatted as (x, y, z))
local TargetAngles = {0, -45, 0} -- The angle(s) that we want to rotate our positions to based on the pivot point

local Vertices = { -- Our group of positions or coordinates in the world (Formatted as (x, y, z))
    {1, 1, 1},
    {2, 1, 1},
    {2, 2, 1},
    {2, 2, 2},
    {1, 2, 2},
    {1, 1, 2},
    {1, 2, 1},
    {2, 1, 2},

So, i might be rong but you should try bodyforce since ive seen an model of an moon before circling an earth and it used bodyforce and i think rope constraints to do it. Il get in touch if i find it.

I was just using parts as a visualisation for what i was trying to achieve. No parts will be used in what im trying to make. I want to achieve this effect through lua and math

Ah, I acuttaly im quite new to scripting and an basic/medium scripter so I cant really help that much but i would just mess around with scripts and postions.

No, there not an easy way to do it.
You do have to use CFrame and Vectors.

part.Orientation is also a thing, but it will be hard for a model.
I Suggest you to use CFrame.

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Assuming you want something like this (sorry for the laggy recording):

Here’s what I came up with:

local workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")

local vertices = workspace.Vertices:GetChildren() -- Vertices (I used parts, its not hard to change it to an array of Vector3 positions)
local pivot = workspace.Pivot -- Same like vertices, I used a part
local angle =, -45, 0) -- Doesn't really matter in this script because its getting changed below anyways

local function getPosition(pos)
	return ( * -- Convert the pivot Position to CFrame
		CFrame.Angles(math.rad(angle.X), math.rad(angle.Y), math.rad(angle.Z)) * -- Multiply the angle to the pivot position - pivot.Position) -- Finally add the distance between pivot and the vertice
	).p -- Return the position, not the CFrame

while true do
	angle =, math.random(-180, 180), 0) -- Pick a random angle
	print("Current angle Y:", angle.Y)
	for _,p in ipairs(vertices) do -- Loop through each vertice
		p.Position = getPosition(p.Position) -- Set its position to the position fetched from the above function

Place file:
custom pivot points test.rbxl (29.7 KB)

Assuming you want this result that I coded, it’s not hard to change the parts to an array of Vector3’s. I hope you can do it yourself or I could help.


Oh hello again. This is exactly what i was trying to do. Though initially i tried doing this without the assistance of CFrame, but i find this to be probably the simplest.
Thanks again!

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Hey, sorry to bring up this topic again. But do you know if there’s a way that I can eliminate the vertices shifting from left to right when you move your origin point forwards or backwards in world space when there is an angle?

here’s the issue visualized: (red block represents the origin)