Basically, I have an object that is tilted on the X and Z axes and I want to rotate it on the Y axis. When I do this, it’s rotating on the WORLD Y axis. How do I get it to rotate on it’s own Y axis. Here’s the rotation script that I have.
local model = script.Parent
local partsList = {
part = model:FindFirstChild("Lowest Layer-a");
part = model:FindFirstChild("Lowest Layer-b");
part = model:FindFirstChild("Mid-Lower Layer");
part = model:FindFirstChild("Mid-Upper Layer");
part = model:FindFirstChild("Outer Layer");
part = model:FindFirstChild("Rings 1");
part = model:FindFirstChild("Rings 2");
part = model:FindFirstChild("Surface");
for _, item in ipairs(partsList) do
local cframe = item.part:GetPivot()
item.pos = cframe.Position
local ax, ay, az = cframe:ToOrientation()
item.tx = math.deg(ax)
item.ty = math.deg(ay) = math.deg(az)
local rotate = item.part:GetAttribute("Rotate")
item.rx = rotate.X
item.ry = rotate.Y
item.rz = rotate.Z
local mathrad = math.rad
local cframe
local dt
while true do
dt = task.wait(0)
for _, item in ipairs(partsList) do
item.tx = (item.tx + (item.rx * dt)) % 360
item.ty = (item.ty + (item.ry * dt)) % 360 = ( + (item.rz * dt)) % 360
cframe = *
CFrame.Angles(mathrad(item.tx), mathrad(item.ty), mathrad(
This is a planet that has a tilted axis in respect to the world Y axis. Think of it like the planet Earth which rotates on an inclined axis of 23° from true.
I figure I might have to use local space but I’m not sure what that looks like in CFrames.
This rotates your part in the worldspace by 90 degrees on the Y axis vvv
Basically this adds your angle offset to the parts current orientation to get the correctly rotated cframe
And then adds that rotated cframe onto the parts position
local myPart = workspace.MyPart
local cframeAngle = CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(90), 0)
local rotatedCFrame = cframeAngle * CFrame.fromOrientation(myPart.CFrame:ToOrientation())
myPart.CFrame = * rotatedCFrame --add the rotatedCFrame onto the position
this. right-multiplication with CFrame.Angles is the simplest solution, as that applies the transformation locally (as opposed to left-multiplication which transforms it globally)
I was thinking that’s what the OP was looking for, but I could have misinterpreted something.
Here’s what that looks like in studio for the @OP:
Currently, the OP’s code uses the same rotation method, but is set up for something different:
(tx, ty, and tz are parts of the Part’s CFrame’s orientation)
This code rotates the unrotated position CFrame, but adding to the item.ty value just rotates it on the global axis, since the position CFrame on the left of the multiplication is unrotated.
That is exactly what I was looking to achieve. However, doing some research, I came up with this code:
-- Prepare Data
for _, item in ipairs(partsList) do
item.cframe = item.part:GetPivot()
local rotate = item.part:GetAttribute("Rotate")
item.rx = rotate.X
item.ry = rotate.Y
item.rz = rotate.Z
-- Run
local mathrad = math.rad
local dt, tx, ty, tz
while true do
dt = task.wait(1/30)
for _, item in ipairs(partsList) do
tx = CFrame.Angles(mathrad(item.rx * dt), 0, 0)
ty = CFrame.Angles(0, mathrad(item.ry * dt), 0)
tz = CFrame.Angles(0, 0, mathrad(item.rz * dt))
item.cframe = item.cframe * tx * ty * tz
So basically, it gets the rotate vector for all the listed parts (the vector value units are degrees per second). Then it calculates the angle increment based on the time delay and applies it to the object CFrame in <X, Y, Z> order. The original code that I posted was adapted from other code that I wrote a couple of years ago to rotate an object on the world <X, Y, Z> axes. This one needed to rotate on the local Y axes like Earth does.
The requirement necessitates the ability to rotate around any X, Y, or Z axis in any combination. Plus, this is independent of the orientation of the object itself. No matter what the orientation of the object is, it will always rotate on the specified local axes.