How do I run this LocalScript via this Script?

Hey there. Apologies, I am a beginner coder - and I am stumped. I’m trying to use this simple script (located in Workspace) to activate and run a LocalScript that is located in StarterGui for a dialogue system.

The Script in Workspace inside of a part:

local TouchEventOne =  game.Workspace.TouchEventOne

    if Object.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		local player = game.Players[Object.Parent.Name]
		print("Dialogue One!")	

The LocalScript in StarterGui I am trying to activate with the above:

local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent
local dialogue = plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("DialogueBar").Dialogue

local function OnClient)
  print ("Dialogue One Starting!")
  dialogue.Visible = true


I am extremely stumped and would love to know the best way to continue from here. Is there a good method for doing this? I tried using a RemoteEvent and it didn't work for me. Thank you for taking your time to assist me!
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So from what I’m getting, are you wanting to connect the RemoteEvent from the server to the client?

Exactly. Also, but each time I try and call it via the server - I don’t get a response, not even an error. I am extremely stumped.

I gotcha, well it’s actually pretty simple

So, if you’re wanting to fire the RemoteEvent that way we use the function that’s called FireClient which requires 1 argument for it to work:

  • The Player object (Or game.Players.MistahTwist for clarification)

Now you wonder, how can you get the Player a easier way? We can actually use the GetPlayerFromCharacter function which is basically what it is: Gets the Player object from a Character model so

local TouchEventOne =  game.Workspace.TouchEventOne
local Event = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")

    if Object.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then 
		local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Object.Parent) --Since Object is the HitPart, we can use Object.Parent to get the Parent (Or the Character)
        if player then --This is checking if the player that touched the part is a valid Character model
        Event:FireClient(player) --We're passing the Player object onto this
	    	print("Dialogue One!")	
	    	dialogueone:Play()  --Idk what you defined what this is so I'll just leave it as it is

And on your LocalScript:

local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent
local dialogue = plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("DialogueBar").Dialogue

local function OnClient()
   print ("Dialogue One Starting!")
   dialogue.Visible = true


I did rush a bit to get this working, but if you have any more questions just feel free to ask :sweat_smile:

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Couldn’t have been more helpful. Thank you so much, you have my respect!

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