How do I save characters data

I have a character creation script but it does not save the players data so I just want to know how to save characters data

I believe DataStores may be a good place to start.


Ok thank you but I was reading it up all about data stores but it said nothing about saving characters data

What do you mean by character’s data? Do you mean values like coins, cash, etc?

I mean like there body colors and hair

I like to use ProfileService made by loleris to save character data or just any data in general. a tutorial i found really useful when learning this was this one made by okeanskiy ProfileService in my opinion makes it really easy to add data to a character and makes it very simple.

If you want to do that, you’ll need to save the name of the color because you can’t save those values. For the accessory, you’ll need to save the name or ID of the accessory depending on how you are doing it.

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