How do I save player interaction

I made a character creation gui and It does not save, I would like to know how to save a character change basically when the player changes there face texture it saves and when a player changes there body color it save.

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you should look into DataStores

Ok but how do I do it because it does not say

Here, you can check out either of these YouTube tutorials as it is quite an in-depth topic that is best explained with photos and narration.

Alvin and TheDevKing have quite the library of useful tutorials on their pages, and I’ve personally watched these videos and they should help introduce you to datastores.

Data store videos from Alvin blox and Dev King are a good start for data stores, but when saving data I always prefer to use UpdateAsync(). This allows it so if the data for some reason doesn’t save it’ll load the data that was last saved.

Here’s a link about it:

Ok thank you to everyone who responded