How do i scale R6 with it's Accesory?

so I want when the player avatar loads into the rig, with the rig model size of 3 then the accessories will adjust, but for some reason mine doesn’t work.
any solution?

local randomString = "AamTum"
Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ID = Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(randomString)
local usr = Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(ID)

model already sized to 3, thats why i dont put it

  • oh btw the rig type is R6 , any solution would help me so much
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I did some research and i found a roblox model which meets ur requirements

Character Scaling (R6 and R15) - Creator Store (

I already use that, and still didnt work

Try to adjust the Accessory objects to match the scale of the character.
Also there is script

local randomString = "AamTum"
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ID = Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(randomString)
local usr = Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(ID)

-- Apply the description to the rig

-- Scale the accessories to match the model's scale (in this case, 3)
local scaleFactor = 3 -- Since your model is already scaled to 3

for _, accessory in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
    if accessory:IsA("Accessory") then
        -- Get the handle of the accessory
        local handle = accessory:FindFirstChild("Handle")
        if handle then
            handle.Size = handle.Size * scaleFactor
            handle.Mesh.Scale = handle.Mesh.Scale * scaleFactor