How do I script different seasons in my game?

Hey, I’m new to scripting and I couldn’t find a video about this topic on youtube. I want to script different seasons into my game. Like, it changes the map from summer to fall, winter to spring, spring to summer, etc. I was wondering if you guys have any tips on how I should start it.


So, i think you have 2 options

  1. build 4 maps, one for each season and subtitute it when the Season changes

  2. create 4 variants for the same map, for example change the leafs of a tree from green to orange to White to Pink

For the system i guess you can just do

Season = 0

While true do
Wait(time you want)
If Season == 4 then Season = 0 end
Season = Season + 1

If Season == 1 then
–spring script
Elseif Season == 2 the
– autumn script

And so on

Also some tips, if you want to use the 2nd method you can use Tables to make the color change easier

If you want to use the 1st method you can substitute the trees and make it invisible and slowly become more visible
(Ex. Make the SpringTree slowly become transparent, move the AutumnTree(Transparent) and change his Transparency slowly to 0, this will make a transition between the models, Also when the SpringTree will reach the Transparency of 1 you can move it away)

Hope it helps


I think the first method is just more practical in a sense because you don’t have to worry about certain BaseParts having the same materials others. (Unless you are very good about organizing your BaseParts and feel like you can tediously keep placing them in a specific folder designated for the script alone, then hey more power to you.)

I think the system you gave looks fine, but here’s a few refinements:

local season = 0

while true do
    season = 0

    season = season + math.random(1,4)

    if season == 4 then
        -- code
    elseif season == 3 then
        -- code
    elseif season == 2 then
        -- code
    elseif season == 1 then
        -- code

The script is pretty good but idk if you should use Math.Random, this will make the Season appear randomly instead of cycling


Then we can scratch that and add more additional lines to the conditional statements:

if season == 4 then
    season = 1
    -- code
elseif season == 3 then
    season = 4
    -- code
elseif season == 2 then
    season = 3
    -- code
elseif season == 1 then
    season = 2
    -- code

So it can keep the cycle going every time it loops. @Jxnreve would just have to be sure to define the variable season outside of the loop as 1 if he wants it to start at summer.


Thank you! @DenisxdX3 and @Clueless_Brick

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