How do I script drifting for a raycast/scripted suspension vehicle?

I have a car controller with scripted/raycast-based suspension and I want to add drifting to it.
Here is the kind of drifting I am going for:

I also want the car to ideally not slow down at all while performing the drift, having the ability to take on very sharp corners without sliding out, while also having a really easy time with switching drift directions.
So far I have tried:
-Reducing the slip/friction force: Doesn’t provide the effect I want + slows down the car
-Changing the movement direction to the LookVector rotated by an angle on the Y axis: Somewhat works, but it is almost impossible to switch directions while drifting

I can not find any info about this sort of thing so any help is appreciated.

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Well your tires should have 3 forces acting on them, the one in the Y being the suspesion force, the X is the steering and the Z is acceleration/braking


So in theory you’d want to apply force in the direction you want the tire to slip in which would be pointing away from the center of mass

My car actually only uses 1 force for the driving (I tried putting it in the center, rear and front, there doesnt seem to be a big difference between all these options). The hard part while trying to pull off drifting is actually getting the car to stay on course @ high drift angles.

Yeah thats why each wheel has to have the 3 different forces acting on it, I’ve made a raycast suspension car and even plane but I never exactly used 3 forces though, only going forward and I use a BodyGyro to get it to turn, but then again you coud also try to simulate drifting by making the car turn faster then its moving forward

I use BodyGyro for steering aswell so idk how that would work out

Made the car use forces at each 4 wheels, does not seem to make a difference when I try the methods I previously tried