I want to change the clothes ID of players who enter my game, they can choose the clothes they want, but I’m not getting.
Yes, my game is published
I want to change the clothes ID of players who enter my game, they can choose the clothes they want, but I’m not getting.
Yes, my game is published
Are you firing the function? Because from the screenshot it doesn’t seem like you are. If not type this under the function:
Yes,in future i will put button for players choose, but now i want when player enter in game, the clothes to be in it.
SelectCustomize is a event an fire when player click in button “Customize Character”
If i put 'print(“something”) ’ behind local shirt, it’s work, but if is after, it’s don’t work, so i think local shirt is wrong
In your event you are saying STARTER
while the function is name START
Sorry I just changed, now it’s STARTER
Can you take a screenshot of your output? Cause something must be stuck in infinite yield.
Try to add a repeat wait() until plr.Character
above local character = plr.Character
You need to make use of the HumanoidDescription System, the link also contains information on how you would use it.
Guys i discover the error, in fact I had to create a new instance.
local PantsServer = Instance.new ("Pants")
PantsServer.Name = "Pants"
PantsServer.Parent = character
local ShirtServer = Instance.new ("Shirt")
ShirtServer.Name = "Shirt"
ShirtServer.Parent = character
local Shirt = character: WaitForChild ("Shirt")
local Pants = character: WaitForChild ("Pants")