I have been trying and have looked all over the DevForum and Youtube, But I can’t figure out how to make it so when you buy a developer product the player receives the gear they purchased.
I’m sorry if it seems basic, I’m really stuck!
Do you have a current script? If you do, then is there any errors/problems?
Check this article. Hope this helps.
Try checking DevHub, there are several pages there useful for scripting
maybe try checking this page, it might be useful for this situation
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I used the Script from DevHub but the problem is it doesn’t give the item to the player when I test it, it just says I bought it. I don’t know how to make it so the player receives the item.
Can you show us the script or a video?
local productFunctions = {}
productFunctions[here your devproduct id] = function(receipt, player)
if player.Backpack then
-- here the code that clones the item from somewhere where you got the item like serverstorage or workspace
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local tool = ServerStorage.theToolYouWantToGive:Clone()
tool.Parent = player.Backpack
--Indicate a successful purchase
return true
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What I have so far:
elseif productId == 1232268064 then
Ok! Good news! I was putting them in Replicated storage instead of server, Thank you all so much for your help!