What do you want to achieve? I want a frame to have a size of the current topbar size (which, as far as I know, must be set from a script, and cannot be defined in the “Size” property)
What is the issue? When the frame is resetting, it’s using a placeholder size (which could be set to the normal topbar size, and technically solve the issue) instead of using the size I want to be set when the script changing it to the correct size is run.
What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve searched for a solution for this issue, and I’ve found solutions like this, but they didn’t seem to actually come to a solution.
Here’s the code:
local topbarY, topbarX = guiService:GetGuiInset()
musicGui.MainFrame.Size = UDim2.new(.7,0,0,topbarY.Y)