How do I set a model's Pivot Offset from a script? Error: "PivotOffset is not a valid member of Model"

How do I set a model’s Pivot Offset from a script?

Model.PivotOffset doesn’t work, and yes there is a PrimaryPart.
Model[‘Pivot Offset’] doesn’t work either.

“PivotOffset is not a valid member of Model”

To be clear, I am trying to change the pivot point’s location relative to the model, not use PivotTo() on the model.

Hey so basically, you cannot set PivotOffset on model directly but you can change the PrimaryPart’s PivotOffset.

you say it dont work but are you sure you’ve set the model’s PrimaryPart?

If So, You will be able to do something like

local Model = script.Parent
Model.PrimaryPart.PivotOffset =,-2,0)

And this seems like a typo having a space between the words PrimaryPart. [‘Pivot Offset’]

That was just two different sentences. I will try setting the PrimaryPart’s PivotPoint instead, but it seems silly that a Model would let you set the property outside of scripts but not from within.

Well another thing, if you don’t specify a Primary Part you can use the WordPivot property of the model directly

local Model = script.Parent
Model.WorldPivot =,1,2)