I know theres been posts about this already but I just need help with this script
local function GetTime()
local UTCSeconds = os.time()
local SecondsInHour = 3600
local ESTSeconds = UTCSeconds - (SecondsInHour * 4)
local ESTDate = os.date("!*t", ESTSeconds)
local hourString = tostring(ESTDate.hour > 12 and ESTDate.hour % 12 or ESTDate.hour)
local minuteString = ESTDate.min < 10 and "0"..ESTDate.min or tostring(ESTDate.min)
local period = ESTDate.hour > 12 and "PM" or "AM"
print("The time is "..hourString..":"..minuteString.." "..period)
I have a function here how do I format it and set the ingame lighting to this? This gets the current time of EST