How do I slow down the speed of the auto rotate in the humanoid?

So Im trying to make some good physics and mechanics for my game and i need to fix on the auto rotate speed because its too fast.

I want to make a kinda of a new autorotate which has almost no delay

Do you mean
I want to make a kinda of a new autorotate which has almost NO delay
I want to make a kinda of a new autorotate which has ALMOST no delay

if you’re talking about
I want to make a kinda of a new autorotate which has ALMOST no delay

then you can start experimenting with BodyGyro (create it on the client for the client to have network ownership + smoother gyro)
I haven’t experimented as much but that’s where I began with (making smooth character rotation)

Basically just update the CFrame of the BodyGyro every frame to something like

-- ( heavily simplified, you would need to improve the state checking logic)
humanoid.AutoRotate = false
while humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Ragdoll do
gyro.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(, mouse.Hit.p)

Oh wow that was really simple code actually, thought I had to rewrite the whole control script, but do I need to have the character always in ragdoll state?

Edit: nvm I just saw it was ~= and not ==