How do I slow the camera down as it reaches its target using Bezier curves? Like easing styles in animations

local function cubicBezier(t, p0, p1, p2, p3)
	return (1 - t)^3*p0 + 3*(1 - t)^2*t*p1 + 3*(1 - t)*t^2*p2 + t^3*p3

local function createLUT(numSegments, ...)
	local distSum = 0
	local sums = {}
	local step = 1/numSegments
	for i = 0, 1, step do
		local firstPoint = cubicBezier(i, ...)
		local secondPoint = cubicBezier(i + step, ...)
		local dist = (secondPoint - firstPoint).Magnitude
		table.insert(sums, distSum)
		distSum += dist
	return sums 

local function remap(n, oldMin, oldMax, min, max)
	return (min + ((max-min) * ((n - oldMin) / (oldMax - oldMin))))

local Bezier = {}
Bezier.__index = Bezier

function, p0, p1, p2, p3)
	local self = setmetatable({}, Bezier)
	self._points = {p0,p1,p2,p3}
	self._distLUT = createLUT(numSegments, p0, p1, p2, p3)

	return self 

function Bezier:Calc(t)
	local LUT = self._distLUT
	local arcLength = LUT[#LUT]
	local targetDist = arcLength * t

	for i, dist in ipairs(LUT) do
		local nextDist = LUT[i+1]
		if targetDist >= dist and targetDist < nextDist then
			local adjustedT = remap(targetDist, dist, nextDist, i/#LUT, (i+1)/#LUT)
			return cubicBezier(adjustedT, unpack(self._points))


return Bezier

One way to achieve this is to calculate the distance between the current point and the target point using the Vector3.Magnitude function, and then use this distance to modify the t parameter passed to the cubicBezier function. One possible approach is to define a variable that represents the maximum distance at which the camera should start slowing down, and then adjust the t parameter based on the distance between the current point and the target point as follows:

function Bezier:Calc(t)
	local LUT = self._distLUT
	local arcLength = LUT[#LUT]
	local targetDist = arcLength * t

	local maxDist = 5 -- Adjust this value to control when the camera should start slowing down

	for i, dist in ipairs(LUT) do
		local nextDist = LUT[i+1]
		if targetDist >= dist and targetDist < nextDist then
			local adjustedT = remap(targetDist, dist, nextDist, i/#LUT, (i+1)/#LUT)
			local currentPoint = cubicBezier(adjustedT, unpack(self._points))
			local targetPoint = cubicBezier(math.min(adjustedT + 0.01, 1), unpack(self._points)) -- Adjust the second parameter (0.01) to control the speed of the slowdown
			local distToTarget = (targetPoint - currentPoint).Magnitude
			if distToTarget < maxDist then
				local slowdownFactor = distToTarget / maxDist
				adjustedT = adjustedT - slowdownFactor * (adjustedT - i/#LUT)
			return cubicBezier(adjustedT, unpack(self._points))