What do you want to achieve?
See Picture
What is the issue? Part doesn’t move in front of other part.
What solutions have you tried so far? I have screwed around with the CFrame a ton, and I am just not having any luck.

local LastPart = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Part")
local NewPart = LastPart:Clone()
NewPart.Parent = script.Parent
local FirstPartCF = LastPart.CFrame
local FirstPartAngleCF = FirstPartCF-FirstPartCF.Position
NewPart.CFrame = FirstPartAngleCF + Vector3.new(LastPart.CFrame.X + (LastPart.Size.X-(LastPart.Size.Z)), LastPart.CFrame.Y, LastPart.CFrame.Z)
I just want the part to spawn directly in front of the other part with the same rotation.
Can you provide some code? There’s not much I can tell you from what you provided.
local LastPart = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Part")
local NewPart = LastPart:Clone()
NewPart.Parent = script.Parent
local FirstPartCF = LastPart.CFrame
local FirstPartAngleCF = FirstPartCF-FirstPartCF.Position
NewPart.CFrame = FirstPartAngleCF + Vector3.new(LastPart.CFrame.X + (LastPart.Size.X-(LastPart.Size.Z)), LastPart.CFrame.Y, LastPart.CFrame.Z)
I’m confused, you are using the wrong rotation for your part.
This is the result I got (The orange part is B) :

Its not the rotation that is messing up, I was the parts to be in a line with one another while being in the same rotation too. I just want to make a straight line with parts based on the first part’s location essentially.
Figured it out, I had to do
NewPart.CFrame = NewPart.CFrame + LastPart.CFrame.RightVector * -(LastPart.Size.X-(LastPart.Size.Z))
If you’ve found the solution, I have nothing to add. Congrats!