Hello im looking to split a Sextillion (10^21) into 50 diferent acending numbers.
I need this for my button game where i have 50 buttons that i need to split that Sextillion (10^21) across.If your wandering a Sextillion (10^21) looks like this 1000000000000000000000.Leave this thread a msg if you have any questions or possible answers.Btw ive been working on this for 2 days by now.(Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors im dislexic.Also this is more of a math problem but there was no catagory for that)
You want 50 random numbers in ascending order that add up to a sextillion?
i want them to add up to a sextillion
Random numbers? Arithmetic sequence? Geometric sequence?
arthemetic sequence (i need more charactors to post this)
49sigma(n = 0) (y + xn) = 50y + 1225x
So 50y + 1225x = 10^21
What would you like the initial number to be? Or what would you like the increment to be?
(Don’t mind the edits I’m having a brainfart)
i want to start with 100 money and reach 1 sextillion after 49 additions
I need to get dressed to go to the horse barn (my horse just got back from a show so i might not ride) but if i do i wont be able to respond for like 40 - 70 minutes.
In in the car heading to the barn rn.
Sum = (n/2)(2a + (n-1)xd)
Where: n is the number of terms, a is the initial value and d is the increment
10^21 = (50/2)(2x100 + (50-1)xd)
d = (10^21/(50/2) - 2x100)/(50-1) = 8.163265306x10^17
I tried to break it down as simply as possible, even looked at the specification for 6th grade maths
Im prety sure that output isnt all of the numbers
Theres more if I scroll up but the point is 10^21 has been achieved

Accidentally double printed earlier oops
Im not at home so i cant plug in your script but is there a way to calculate a compounding type thing for ex
This is the “compounding type thing”
10^21 is simply too far from 100 so the increment is massive
Ok tysm ima w8 till i get home to plug in your script but where does it go
Since you’ll be changing the text of TextButtons, place the localscript in the frame.
I have a manually changing variable so i just needed a list i was just wandering if it would break server side
You can change GUIs server or client side but it’s generally better practice to do it on the client
So i have a variable so it looks like this
(I have more in there but thats all that matters atm) i just need the list for me to manualy change the amount int value
local clicks = 0
local sum = 0
clicks = clicks + 1
for i = 0, clicks - 1 do
local inc = 100 + 816326530612244894*i -- this is more precise
sum = sum + inc
script.Parent.Text = "clicked "..clicks..", money = "..sum
sextillionstuff.rbxm (4.5 KB)