How do i start a game?


So i want to start a game.
I already made a obby then i don’t know what else starting a roblox game. If you have any suggestion you can reply on the reply section.

Thank you.

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well this is a VERY loaded question. The most important thing you should know is you are NOT going to make the next Phanom Forces, Jailbreak or any game even close to front page game this early. Now that we have that out of the way you should get to know the basics of roblox scripting an basics of building and make a very simple game that uses both of those aspects of game development. This game will probably get no visits and thats ok because this is just going to teach you basic scripting and building . After you complete this game and have basic building and scripting knowledge you can decide what you like more . Scripting or building? You can then learn to sepecialize and learn a lot about that one category and neglect other stuff because most if not all front page games are made of teams of different people with different talents such as building or scripting. So to sum it up,

  1. Make a easy game that encompasses the basics of scripting and building

  2. find out which one you like to do more

  3. specialize in that aspect of development and then get a couple games under your belt and then you can begin getting hired for jobs

dont forget to mark this as a solution if you found this helpful :grin:

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By how do I start a game why you mean how do you publish it? Or are you looking for game ideas?

Am looking for game ideas. I don’t know what i should go for.

I think you should make the best thing you know how to program.

just pick something not too complicated but is challenging. For example, a game sword minigame where people get teleported to a place and fight with swords and get teleporting back

no not really, what if he wants to build?

Am really love to script, but i like to model too.

There are a ton of posts about coming up with game ideas already, just search up “Game ideas” for a ton of posts about it
Eg: (FOUND A GAME IDEA!) Need help finding a game idea... Thoughts?

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That’s true, but most games have programs, so he should include at least a little bit unless it’s a showcase.

yes you do need programs but you aslo equally need building. My point of my post was to get good at something such as building and then get hired because building is very profitable if you get hired. Even I would pay a builder more then a scripter if the game needs good graphics such as an RPG

This is getting a bit off-topic and should probably be resolved in DMs

not really im just discussing how building is as important then scripting which is good for any starter developer to know

I do agree. You can’t have a game without objects in it. That’s a fact.

Hey! It’s great to hear you are interested in making a game! I have some games in the works so i could definitely give you some tips on how to make a game.

  • 1 - If it flops, never give up! I have had so many games that have flopped in the past although I realized what I was doing wrong (just using the terrain generator and free models 3 years ago) and I learned how to make higher quality games!
  • 2 - Stay motivated! You can stay motivated by talking to people about the game who are interested in it - it’s good to know someone else likes your game, by looking at other people’s work and stories of success as developers and when you feel like giving up on it - maybe because you can’t figure out a vital game script, ask for help! Some of your friends may be willing to come in a team create session or tell you what’s wrong with the script or how to make it!
  • 3 - Ask for feedback! Hearing other people’s thoughts on your game can tell you what you should improve on / add / remove from your game!

That’s all I really have to say, good luck developing!

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