How do I Stop Animations overlapping/mixing with Other animations?

For some reason, my Animations overlap with other animations, which cause the limbs to move in different places, rotate randomly, etc. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Help would be appreciated, thank you <3

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You can change the priority of your animation to something higher. This way, the animation you want to play, will be a higher priority than the others and won’t overlap with other animations.

You can look more into this here: Animation Priorities

NOTE: The animation priorities are changed within your animation editor or within a script. If you want to change the priority through script then heres what that would look like:

AnimationTrack.AnimationPriority = Enum.AnimationPriority.{priority here}

If you change the animation priority through the animation editor, you will need to export the animation once again.


Thank you! I recently just found that out, about 3 hours ago, still, Thank you for your help.


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