How do i stop context action service from doing buttons like this?

My code to bind action:


replace with

extra extra idk why

extra extra, it does not do buttons

you said that u want it to not do buttons

i meant in the way how it goes out of screen and over the jump button

meh, ill just do custom buttons, i was lazy of doing that thats why trying to use context action service
still will use the same style

local ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService")

local A = ContextActionService:BindAction("A", function() end, true)

ContextActionService:SetPosition("A",{0.808, 0},{706, 0}))

change the{}.{}) until you find a proper position
found{0.5, 0},{0.1, 0} to be good

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It worked just fine :slight_smile:

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