so when you drag with tool like F3X, the handles staying where your mouse is, but with myne I got that math wrong and look at this the handles be going so slow and under or over
Video (pay attehntion to my cursor and then the handles position:
my code:
Mainly it is this line:
if math.abs(SubtractedDistance)>=MoveIncrement then
so I’m thinking an error with my math in SubtractedDistance or something, if needed I will provided more code
local handles = HandleScale
local Part = CurrentSelected
local Multiplier0 = 1
local Multiplier1 = 1
local MFaces = {"Front","Bottom","Left"}
if table.find(MFaces,Face.Name) then
Multiplier0 = -1
local SubtractedDistance = (Distance-prevDist)
if math.abs(SubtractedDistance)>=MoveIncrement then
print("Dis : "..Distance.." | ".."Subtracted : "..SubtractedDistance.." | Prev : "..prevDist)
local sizeDistance = math.floor(SubtractedDistance / MoveIncrement) * MoveIncrement
-- size the part, already coded but unlisted for more understand of code
prevDist = Distance