How do I stop texture stretching

So right now I’m working on a “How to make a GFX series” and I’m doing a video on texturing but I cant seem to find on how to get the textures to stop stretching

Could someone please help me?

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Connect all the image nodes with a Mapping node and fiddle around the the Scale values.

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Try watching tutorials even if you’re making a tutorial, there are many texture mapping tutorials on blender across youtube

Hey, I’m a few days late but, if the problem still persists you might have scaled the object in Object Mode, which resizes the part as a whole. Try scaling only in Edit Mode!

Also, you can try resizing the texture itself in your UV editor. (IIRC, first you need to uv unwrap the object then you can resize it).

Hope you solved your problem already :))

EDIT: found a good short tutorial that might help