How do I Stop Tools From Swaying When I Move?

Hello again, I’m creating a tool and I’m wondering if it’s possible to stop it from swaying. Below is a video of what I am talking about:

I have the animation type set as R15 and I don’t want to change it to R6. Is it possible to make the tool just stay pointed and not sway?
Thank’s in advance for the help! Have a great day :smiley:


You can parent it to camera, but in my opinion this is way cooler :smiley:

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I think the movement is kinda distracting.

It feels more realistic. You can check this link, if you are still considering it.


I guess, but still, it’s hard to see with it always moving plus, in real life, you hold the flashlight still while you look, and even hold it still while moving.

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How do I parent the flashlight to the camera? If I do, does it move it from the hand?

Use your own equip/unequip animation which will override the default ones.

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So I could simple animation the hand to be held out and it wouldn’t move it?

Just make two keyframes (maybe one works too) where you position the body and arm as you want and play it when you equip the tool and stop it on unequip. It will override other animations played on those body parts.

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Thanks for the help, have a great day!

Do you have the backpack hidden to attempt to prevent unequipping and have the experience feel more immersive? Players, if they press backspace, will be able to unequip the flashlight.

What you can do here is weld the flashlight as a model instead of a tool a certain offset away from the HumanoidRootPart such that it looks like the flashlight is stabilised. You get two birds with one stone: no sway from the animation, no unequipping.

For a first person view game where the animations can’t be seen by you or anyone else, it might be wise to just completely remove animations from the character. You can insert a blank LocalScript in the character to accomplish this.


The game will have an intermission part where you are not in first-person view, and you don’t have a flashlight during intermission, so I am not sure how that would work.

Leave the character alone during intermission. When they spawn into the game, instead of parenting a tool to them parent a model to them and weld it to the HumanoidRootPart. Same thing you’re doing now with just a different process.

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you could make a viewmodel flashlight and move it to the camera when it’s equipped, then animate it however your heart desires