How do I take down a copy of my game that copied the title, thubnails, icon,

I already tried to contact roblox support and they didn’t do anything, I already did what I had to do and nothing happened and they didn’t do anything, any ideas?, and for some reason these days i changed the icon of my game and it’s just a few letters of my thumbnails of my game and now roblox hid my game when i search its name and if i search my game name the copy appears first lol

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Issuing a DMCA takedown request of the knockoff game is about all you can do. If they counter-claim it to keep the game up, Roblox will tell y’all to settle it in court AFAIK.

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I already did that and they didn’t do anything.

Exploit in the copied ga-

Jk don’t do that

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it takes time for support to look over all tickets sent by players of the roblox platform, so it obliviously wont be quick for you and others

What do you do if you are under the age of 18?

Would that be in-person court, or?

I don’t think you can use DMCA takedown requests if your work isn’t copyrighted, so unless you copyrighted your title, thumbnail or icon you won’t be able to use that service.

I believe getting into legal issues already shouldn’t be done, is there a way to contact the person you have accused of stealing your work? If so, try contacting them and ask them to remove your work from their account. If they refuse, then sure, you can try starting some legal stuff.

but i created the title it copied even the emoji of my title, i created the thumbnails and the icon

There may be another legal service that can help you with that, but it probably won’t be the DMCA.
Also, to be clear here your work gets copyrighted immediately as soon as you make it, but the problem is I think you don’t have a certificate of registration or a public record (requires you to register and pay a small fee to get those i think) making it less likely you can take legal action on it.
You can still accuse this person online and warn other people about this copy via the social medias you currently have. Maybe try roblox support a second time even?

You might want to get a legal advisor for this instead tbh, im just seeing what i can find with google.